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This week's reviewed movie is:




Gene the Barber

Snick the Sidekick

Gordie the Barber


I could hardly wait to see this cloak and dagger espionage thriller, The Debt.

It's about three Israeli secret agents telling this story of a plan to capture a sadistic former Nazi doctor in East Berlin.

This film jumps back and forth between the 1960s and the 1990s and shows how this operation has gone wrong and the lies that threaten to unravel years later.

This movie tries and mostly succeeds in showing secret agents in a realistic light.

These agents are people who can fail and also win. If you are interested in a realistic spy story, I recommend The Debt. 
The Debt is a well-directed cold war thriller, shown through a series of flashbacks from modern day 1997 back to 1966.

This tense character driven drama recounts the efforts to bring a Nazi war criminal to justice.

In the end, you must decide for yourself which is better -- to live a lie, or payback a debt.

The Debt is a remake of a 2009 Israeli spy thriller.

It's basically about a fictional operation of top-secret Israeli revenge, carried out by three highly trained agents whose plan goes bad in ways that are more fascinating (in my view) than the mission itself.

The remarkable thing about this tale is that it works on different levels.

It has the heart to stir deeply along with emotional complexity.

Contents copyright 1999 - 2011 by the Barbershop Movie Review:
Gene Allen, Gordy Allen. and Snick Farkas.
Page created by Esther Trosow and design copyright 1999.
Last updated September 6, 2011, AD.