1. The Esther Steinbeck Rodgers House
 800 Asilomar Blvd. (On the grounds of the Asilomar Conference Center)



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Google Map of Esther Rodgers Steinbeck home in Asilomar

Start your tour at the Asilomar Conference Grounds, located on Asilomar Blvd. off of Sunset Drive. From Asilomar Blvd., enter the grounds of the Wm. Penn Mott Jr. Training Center through the Eastwoods section and follow the road towards the left, in the direction of the Fireside section. The small building called Guest Inn is. . .  


Esther Steinbeck Rodgers' house at Asilomar  

The name Asilomar was coined by Helen Salisbury, a Stanford University student, and can be loosely translated as "refuge by the sea." Started in 1913, when the Pacific Improvement Company (Del Monte Properties' predecessor) deeded 30 seaside acres to the YWCA, Asilomar is a unique meeting place with a long history as a serene setting where people gather to exchange ideas and find inspiration.

In 1956, the conference grounds were transferred to State ownership and are now a unit of the California State Park System. The grounds have grown to over 100 acres and are dedicated to a natural ecological environment that is sheltered by ancient Monterey pines and extends over rolling sand dunes. Several buildings at Asilomar were designed by architect Julia Morgan.

Steinbeck's sister, Esther Steinbeck Rodgers, and her husband, Carrol, owned this house from the 1930s to the 1950s. Steinbeck called it "Esther's house in the woods in P.G." He brought Gwen Conger here, and also used the house as a private refuge where he could write. Part of the narrative portion of Sea of Cortez was written in a cabin that Steinbeck described as hidden in a pine woods amidst sand dunes, and this house fits that description.  

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Continue on Asilomar Blvd., crossing Lighthouse Avenue. On your right is the cemetery. Enter the gates and park. You are now at. . .